WASHINGTON DC – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) joined Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02) in introducing legislation to establish the National Commission on Domestic Terrorist Attacks on the United States. The bill creates an independent bipartisan commission structured like the 9/11 commission and mirrors the proposed January 6 commission. Read the full text of the bill here .

“Over the last year, Americans watched as peaceful, legitimate protests were infiltrated by Antifa’s violence and extremism,” said Congressman Gonzales. “The looting and riots that ensued in 2020 at the hands of Antifa have no place in this country. Many of our neighbors’ lives upended as we saw businesses, places of worship and schools were attacked by mobs. It is crucial that we investigate and understand the extent of Antifa’s involvement in the violence that took place.”

“While the majority of participants in demonstrations across the country in 2020 were peaceful, the events themselves became destructive due to organized pushes for violence by Antifa,” said Congressman Bacon. “Many cities were burned, and businesses destroyed. Retired police officer David Dorn was shot and killed while protecting a business. People were harassed while simply eating at outside restaurants, and Americans across the nation feared for their lives. We’re still seeing violence in Portland in recent weeks. Just as with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, we must learn the truth about who is behind the violence and who is pushing the narrative to try and weaken our country and scare people into submission. “

Congressman Gonzales Introduces Legislation to Investigate Antifa’s Involvement in National Unrest

WASHINGTON DC – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) joined Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02) in introducing legislation to establish the National Commission on Domestic Terrorist Attacks in the United States. The bill creates an independent bipartisan commission structured like the September 11 commission and mirrors the proposed January 6 commission. Read the full text of the bill here.

“Over the past year, Americans have seen peaceful and legitimate protests infiltrate the violence and extremism of Antifa,” said Congressman Gonzales. “The looting and riots that occurred in 2020 at the hands of Antifa have no place in this country. Many of our neighbors’ lives were changed when we saw businesses, places of worship, and schools attacked by mobs. It is critical that we investigate and understand the extent of Antifa’s involvement in the violence that took place. “

“While the majority of participants in the demonstrations across the country in 2020 were peaceful, the events themselves became destructive due to organized impulses for violence by Antifa,” said Congressman Bacon. “Many cities were burned and businesses destroyed. Retired police officer David Dorn was shot and killed while protecting a business. People were harassed while simply eating at open-air restaurants, and Americans across the country feared for their lives. We continue to see violence in Portland in recent weeks. As with the January 6 attack on the Capitol, we must know the truth about who is behind the violence and who is pushing the narrative to try to weaken our country and scare people into submission. “